read kee chen's blog and was kinda enlightened..i agree that we should treasure the important people around us before we regret it..always believe in giving cos when you give you are taking in more.. which is the happiness you receive when your friends or family smiles.. and this is priceless..
so always be generous to give
to do everything you can do
for the people around you
if not there may be one day
the chance to give doesn't exist
or the ability to do turns to disability
bless all the people in my life!!
♥ 11:59 PM
scheming as a fox
a trap is laid
to catch a prey
innocent pure and ignorant
lil rabbit's used as a bait
what goes up must come down
what goes around will come around
a trap is laid just right
but the prey becomes the mastermind
oh heavens
this is just so right!
you made me open my eyes
to the world so wide
Thank you Lord.
♥ 11:06 PM
Just back from ogl camp! i mean 1 day ago..spent the rest of sunday and monday sleeping like a log at home..guess i 've replenished all the missing energy now! and i've got training later..haiz..there goes my efforts to replenish..
anyway, ogl camp was rather fun. But i think orientation '08 is going to be more of a blast..cos we get to deal with KIDS! hehe..i mean J1 freshies..
yup, and i realised our WnW game suxs to a certain extent..totally not much limitations..and this means my group will have to alter a whole new proposal..i
yea...and i made a really cool and hyper friend in the camp too..PETRINA!! haha..super zi high ok..without her i think i would be feeling quite dead..haha...thanks pet! gregarious like anything..
oh lastly, WTH. i gained weight after camp. atrocious.who would gain weight after camp? ME.idiot.haiz.
♥ 7:35 PM

♥ 3:17 AM
When out with my beloved anita the gorilla..oops i mean the gorgeous today.
And she surprised me with an EXPENSIVE belated birthday girft. SEE, i mentioned the expensive factor already year when it comes to your birthday i think will be damn broke lor...haha
Anyway, GORGEOUS bought me a soft toy bear from the 'BUILD-A-BEAR' store at vivo city..the bear had a sexy pink dress on and a beautiful tiara..she is also wearing a 'BEAUTY QUEEN''s like so me queen seh..ME LOR..when i showed my mum the gift and told her the price..she was very shock mean surprised.. am gonna thank some great friends for getting me bdae gifts..haven't officially thank them yet..thanks anita for the beautiful bear, sharon for the elegant chomel necklance, jia wen and shini for the jewel stuff, 8 da mei nus for the piglet soft toy and vintage earrings, aik ho for the mad monkey and gay origami..haha..and my parents for extra money..hehe..ok done..
singing was so ever fun again, though the guys wasn't as high as the crazy was still a happy occasion! hah! you guys made my life so much more colourful in JC!!love ya!
♥ 5:47 AM
Super rockin high and fun at plush!!When we thought that open house dance was a blast..clubbing at plush was hyperly blasty la!haha...the few of us hit the dance floor and just turn into mad women..haha..
the lights at the dance floor was serious blinding...haha..but that gave the right ambience to strut that booty..cos no one can really see you dance even if the way u dance sux to a certain will not be noticed..haha..and the music was so loud, it made your heart thump with the beat..and we had to shout over to our friends who are about 1 cm apart from us..
went orchard to catch a midnight movie supposedly after the bash..but realised cineleisure was went to some water fountain area in front of ngee an city to laze there..ended up talking about jin chuen's and jia wen's past..hehe..
reached home at like 5 plus am..
oh ya..forgot to mention..after kee chen and jia wen actually walked bare footed along clarke quay holding our heels in the hands like some insane attention seeking morons..haha...but truly the high heels brought us to we just wanted to escape from hell.logical.
Thanks to those we made it such a blast at plush those 306 classmates..and some 304 ones..haha

♥ 5:14 AM